Now based out of Europe, Diane Tell is one of Québec’s pioneering female singer-songwriters, with a carreer spawning over 25 years, more than 12 albums and numerous creative collaborations here and abroad, including her work in 1990 with Michel Berger and Luc Plamondon for La Légende de Jimmy, a musical Marilyn Montreuil, co writtent with Jérôme Savary and a album adaptation of Boris Vian's grand jazz standards.
Produced by Fred Fortin, her latest album, Haïku, came out in 2019
Diane Tell is a Canadian musician born in Quebec City.
As a very young musician, Tell entered the Val d’Or conservatory at the age of six before later enrolling to study at the Montréal conservatory as well as at CEGEP Saint-Laurent. She wrote her first song at the age of twelve.
As one of Québec’s pioneering female singer-songwriters, she proposed her personal repertoire over the course of her first four albums and has won six Félix prizes before the age of 25 in the following categories: breakout artist, best artist, best album, best song and, twice, songwriter of the year. Several of her songs have become SOCAN Classics and Si j’étais un homme was inducted in the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2017.
She earned a MIDEM Award for her album Chimères and a Victoire Award for her album Faire à nouveau connaissance. In 1990, she was chosen by Plamondon, Berger and Savary to play a leading role in the musical La légende de Jimmy. Following that, she played the lead and composed the score for another musical, Marilyn Montreuil, written and stage directed by Jérôme Savary and the Théâtre National du Chaillot, in Paris. Over 300 performances of both shows were presented in France and Europe.
Over the past 25 years, Tell has toured relentlessly, written, composed and recorded in Canada, France, the U.K. and Switzerland.
In 2018, she produced her 15th studio album of original material in Montréal. As an independent artist, she owns the phonographic rights of her entire catalogue, manages her own publishing company and produces and finances her albums herself.
Also a photographer since her teens, she became a videographer, feeding her YouTube channel with numerous videos (+26.8 thousand subscribers and +27 million views), as well as directing, shooting and editing her own films.
In her blog, Diane Cause Musique, she engages up-and-coming artists by explaining the inner workings of the music industry.
Increasingly involved in the world of production, publishing and distribution, she writes about the inner workings of the music industry and served 5 years on the Board of Directors of SOCAN (The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) from 2018 to 2023.
Her latest album Haïku, produced by Fred Fortin, came out in 2019.
Quand on écoute « Une », best of acoustique de Diane Tell, on comprend que chaque plage possède toutes ces qualités. Avec une guitare et sa voix de velours, toujours aussi bouleversante, Diane Tell prouve que chacune de ses chansons n’est pas seulement une bonne chanson mais une pépite musicale qui vous donne encore et encore des frissons. Sans parure, la poésie, la guitare et la voix de Diane suffisent à toucher.
Fnac MagDiane Tell n’a pas peur de sortir de ses propres sentiers. Son association avec Fred Fortin — qui vient de lancer de son côté l’excellent Microdose —, qui a réalisé ce nouveau disque en plus d’écrire quelques chansons, en témoigne. Une douzaine de pièces figurent donc sur ce Haïku enregistré à Montréal, Zurich et Saint-Rémy de Provence, et sur lequel la chanteuse au long cours est entourée d’une bande de musiciens de feu (Fortin, François Lafontaine, Samuel Joly, Joe Grass et Olivier Langevin).
Josée Lapointe, La PresseDiane Tell et Andrea Lindsay au Théâtre Maisonneuve de la PdA (FrancoFolies de Montréal). Dans la salle des premiers temps heureux, elle est revenue, chantant Boris Vian et quelques belles de la Diane d’avant. Jazzy cool, comme on l’aimait, comme on l’aime encore autant. La reprise de Gilberto était exquise, le duo avec Andrea Lindsay absolument gracieux. La tendresse de vraies retrouvailles.
Sylvain Cormier, Le DevoirUn météore a explosé la surface tranquille de la lune: son dernier disque “Docteur Boris et Mister Vian”. Le travail enduit de baume les oreilles, puis le reste de la carcasse. C’est tout simplement extra.
Bruno Pfeiffer, Libération